Acne: Causes, Treatment & Tips
Acne: Causes, Treatment & Tips
Acne is the most common skin problem, it happens to almost everyone, and usually begins with skin congestion or commonly known as comedones. When comedones become infected, it can break out and cause acne, open pores and eventually scars. Lesions commonly seen are pimples, inflamed breakouts, severe acne, acne vulgaris, pustules, nodules, cysts, acne cysts, comedones and papules
What’s Happening:
Comedones or blackheads and whiteheads are the first lesion of acne in non-inflammatory form. Acne happens when the blockage inside pores becomes anaerobic; and hence promotes the growth of bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (bacteria P.acnes) within. This infection results the skin becomes inflamed, heat, swollen, pain and red
The exact causes of acne are unknown; a combination of factors can predispose a person to develop it. It is important to remember that acne has both internal and external causes, here are some important factors we need to understand:-
Blackheads and whiteheads.
When blackheads and whiteheads become inflamed, they can break and cause acne. Whiteheads are more likely lead to the red inflammation.
Bacteria, the regular resident in all skin types; its part of the skin natural sebum maintenance system that protects the skin from being invaded by harmful bacteria. When sebum is trapped in the follicles, it forms an anaerobic environment which promotes the growth of bacteria
When body encounters unwanted bacteria (the over production of bacteria P.acnes), it sends an army of white blood cells to attack the intruders. This process is called chemotaxis, an inflammatory response which causes acne to become red, swollen and painful
Internal causes –Hormones: –
Acne normally begins at puberty, when the body begins to produce hormone called androgen. • Androgen may over stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce excessive sebum.
Acne might in part is a genetic or inherited disease.
Improper skin care routine
Poor cleansing after the use of greasy or petrochemical based skin care products
Insufficient sleep
It contributes to hormonal imbalance and irregular production of sebum
Environmental factors such as over exposure to the sun, air pollution, high humidity and etc. Squeezing or picking at acne may result in skin irritation and inflammation. It is proven that the GUT and the skin are directly linked. Anxiety, stress, diet all play havoc on your digestive system. A healthy, well balanced, properly functioning gut is the first step to clearer skin